Domain Monitor Help guide

Recovery period

When creating a new monitor, you'll be able to optionally set a Recovery period on the monitor.

Recovery period defines the amount of time that a monitor must remain up for following a downtime event in order for us to mark your monitor as up. If your monitor experiences any downtime during the recovery period, the recovery period is reset and the process starts again.

An example

Let's say you have a HTTP monitor that checks every 15 minutes and you have a recovery period of 5 minutes. Your monitor is UP until 13:00 and then goes down instantly. We'll check your monitor every minute, one at 13:01, 13:02, 13:03, 13:04 and 13:05.

Because your recovery period was set to 5 minutes, all checks from 13:00 to 13:05 must be considered as UP for your monitor to be marked as UP at 13:05.

How recovery period helps

Tip: setting the confirmation period to Immediate recovery will disable this feature.

When you have a website that's going down and coming up in quick succession, this is quite unstable and could have an impact on users. In this context, your website is technically down, only when your website hasn't been going up/down in quick succession for a while could you consider your website as up.

The recovery period feature allows you to esentially reduce the noise and notifications that you receive for incredibly short periods of downtime.

Relevance to the "Confirmation period"

This feature works great when configured alongside the confirmation period to improve the accuracy of monitoring.

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