Why Choose The Domain Monitor [Welcome To Our Platform]
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Why Choose The Domain Monitor [Welcome To Our Platform]

Hi, it's Ryan from the Domain Monitor, I just thought I'd write up an article since I've been putting out a tonne of content recently on the blog about various topics to help you scale your website and business, as well as protect your website from downtime.

I've realised that it would be a nice opportunity to welcome you to the Domain Monitor's brand and the vision behind creating a tool and platform despite many other similar website monitoring solutions on the market.

I've tried these tools, such as the one from Uptime Robot and Oh Dear, and they're amazing tools that serve thousands if not millions of customers, in fact, you might already be using these brands?

Domain Monitor: A New Seed Is Planted

a new seed is planted for the domain monitor

I've been a website developer/engineer for several years and have always had a passion for building web projects and tools that can automate our everyday tasks, so last year, in September 2020 I decided to start work on the Domain Monitor.

I wanted to build a product that was both free to use and offered a simple solution to the problems that many businesses and websites face...

Monitoring your domain's expiry date.

You see, many website agencies and developers who freelance other people's projects and websites will typically also be involved in purchasing and setting up the domain name for a website, which leaves the question...

Where do I keep track of the domain's expiry date for these 10 domain names that I have?

Sure, you could argue that you'll just use the domain name provider, the place that you bought the domain name from, and whilst they will likely let you know about your domain's expiry date, what about...

  • Your SSL certificate, when's this going to expire?
  • Your website's uptime, has your website gone down recently?
  • What about being able to have finer control over notifications?
  • Maybe you want to send alerts and updates to a specific email address?

Do these problems sound familiar?

Your domain name provider will let you know about your domain's expiry date, but what about everything else to do with your website? Getting alerts on the issues that matter!

A Growing Platform - Simplicity Is King

simplicity is king

Website monitoring tools such as Uptime Robot offer the ability for you to monitor your website's uptime, and alerts plug straight into popular services such as Slack and Email, but have you tried using their platform?

From my own experience, Uptime Robot offers MANY features, and I mean lots of features, and this is excellent - well done to them!

But how many of these features do you actually use?

Chances are, you really only care about monitoring your website's uptime, checking up on your SSL and getting alerted in the right place, at the right time.

These are some of the very reasons that I built the Domain Monitor, and have built the platform with simplicity in mind with a fresh looking UI and clean dashboard design.

Simplicity is king, and by offering a completely free product with these core features in mind, ensures that I can continue to ensure that quality is being delivered, and pesky bugs are squashed.

But more is coming...

Growth Of Our Domain Monitoring Tool

growth of our domain monitoring tool

Right now, my Domain Monitor is in its early days, and that seed is still growing, but by providing plenty of sunlight (in the form of feedback and by obtaining new users) the product can expand to levels that Uptime Robot doesn't...

Whilst keeping everything simple for you, because as a valuable customer of the product, the user experience that you have is absolutely critical.

I'll do everything I can to ensure that bugs are squashed and that new core features are added

At the moment, stability I think are vital to ensuring the quality of the product remains high, but there are some exciting new things that are in the roadmap for the product.

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