Uptime Robot Alternatives [5 Reasons To Switch]
# ssl monitoring# website monitoring# domain monitoring

Uptime Robot Alternatives [5 Reasons To Switch]

Are you looking for an Uptime Robot alternative? There's many reasons why you might want to switch to an alternative website monitoring tool, some might be good reasons, others might be bad, it'll depend upon your preferences.

I don't know for sure why you want an alternative to Uptime Robot, but what I do know is some of the reasons why you might want to switch.

That's exactly what I'm going to give you in this article, I'll tell you some of the reasons why you should switch to a different website uptime monitoring tool and it will help verify the reasons that you might've thought of.

Are you ready? Let's dive right in then.

Reason #1: Fresh Look And Feel

fresh look and feel

Like everything we buy and own, sometimes we simply want a different look and feel to a product or service, maybe you're experiencing some frustration with Uptime Robot and that's why you're looking for an alternative?

It's like any website monitoring solution, there's several big organisations out there such as:

  • Uptrends
  • StatusCake
  • Oh Dear
  • Uptime Robot

And of course, our Domain Monitor, and it can be refreshing to simply look for an Uptime Robot alternative that provides a different look and feel to how you manage your website monitoring.

It's nothing bad against the existing monitoring solution that Uptime Robot offers, it's just your own preferences are pointing you in a different direction aren't they.

Reason #2: Different Features

different features

The only reason Apple and Samsung smartphones have such a dividing line between them is because of the entirely two different operating systems.

You switch to a different smartphone make and model to gain new features right?

Because the other make didn't have all of the features that you had, or, had different features, maybe the features were more refined.

Uptime Robot's main feature set focuses on reliable website monitoring and has several other features such as SSL certificate monitoring, ping and port monitoring as well as cron monitoring.

These are all fantastic features, and they might do exactly what you want, but how about getting domain registrar details?

Or figuring out when your domain name is about to expire?

Since this isn't a feature that Uptime Robot offers, and likely won't have a feature like this at the forefront of their product, this might be a reason for finding an Uptime Robot alternative.

Reason #3: Price


Most website monitoring tools, like Uptime Robot typically offer some kind of free plan that allows you to get set up to try out the service.

Most of the time, you'll only ever need to use the free plan, but sometimes, especially as your website becomes increasingly popular and gains more traction with website traffic, you're going to need to switch to a different plan within Uptime Robot.

Right now, Uptime Robot is offering a Pro plan, which gives you:

  • 50 monitors (1 minute check intervals)
  • SMS alerts (20 of them)
  • SSL certificate monitoring
  • Background job monitoring

And loads of other Pro related features on their pricing page.

You get these features, starting at $8 a month, or £5.87 a month if you work that out in pounds.

Is this a good price? Well, yes, and it's certainly one of the cheaper plans on the market, but the fact that you've got to pay to get SSL monitoring might be a little expensive for your liking.

Reason #4: New To Website Monitoring

new to website monitoring

Are you completely new to website uptime monitoring and have absolutely no clue what these monitoring tools can even do?

What are they all about right?

You might've subscribed to Uptime Robot's free plan a little while ago and weren't quite sure what the product was all about and so now you'd like an Uptime Robot alternative just to see what other monitoring products are offering.

It's a good idea to switch to an alternative website monitoring solution and try different solutions out for a few months at a time to figure out what one is best, you won't know whether an alternative to Uptime Robot is any better until you switch to it.

Reason #5: Reliability


Website uptime monitoring isn't easy you know, it's pretty difficult to get right and to maintain, so of course there's going to be errors along the way, and reliability concerns.

What's important, is that the way Uptime Robot handles keeping their service online and running correctly, and being reliable for you, as the customer.

Typically as more and more people start monitoring their website with a monitoring tool, they can sometimes suffer slightly with reliability since they've got a vast number of monitors making requests to websites.

Is this why you're looking for an alternative to Uptime Robot?

Have you had reliability issues with them?

It would be interesting to know, I haven't had any major issues with them myself (I have had a few issues though), and as time goes on, the longer you're doing something the more there's a chance of something breaking or going wrong.

Uptime Robot Alternative: Domain Monitor

domain monitor

Taking into account all of the reasons why you might want to switch to an alternative website monitoring solution, let's consider an alternative to Uptime Robot.

I'm going to suggest that you try out many different monitoring solutions and tools, don't just try one and think that's the best one out there.

One alternative that you can try is our domain monitor.

We monitor more than just your website's uptime and SSL certificate, we'll also let you know when your domain name is about to expire, and will also tell you everything we know about your domain name so that you can take action if needed.

You see, all of these features, and new features that we add are totally free, there's no credit card or subscription required, you just create your account, verify your email and then you're able to add domains to monitor for expiry dates and website monitors separately.

We'll keep a check on your SSL certificate when you monitor a domain name and we'll let you know when it's about to expire right when you absolutely need it so that you can take action.

The worst part is when you receive an email notification on the day of your domain or SSL expiring right?

How can you take action when that happens?

It takes a little while for domains and SSLs to update so you could end up experiencing website downtime if this happened, which is why our domain monitoring tool alerts you in advance before those events occur.

I hope you liked this blog post, I do try to create content that's helpful and informative, and undoubtedly will be coming back to update this post to make it even better with more reasons to switch from Uptime Robot to an alternative.

So stick around!

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