Keyword Monitoring

Monitor the presence or absence of any keyword or sentence on a page with our keyword monitoring tool, start today, why wait?

☝️ Back in stock alerts
✌️ Case-sensitivity supported
👌 Save time

Start monitoring here

☝️ Back in stock alerts
✌️ Case-sensitivity supported
👌 Save time

Your Monitors

Domain Uptime Expires
Example 100% Future

Your product is now back in stock, buy now.

Monitor keyword or keyword phrases

We'll notify you through your favourite channel when
your monitor matches your keyword phrase.

Start monitoring
website uptime monitoring tool
Keyword monitoring solution

All of your monitors in one suite, access them 24/7.

Never miss that stock alert from your favourite ecommerce shopping website ever again, add multiple monitors and access them all in one place.

Ease to use

Simple to use platform

Keyword monitoring shouldn't be complicated, simply enter your product URL, type your keyword phrase and decide how you want to be alerted.

Your Monitors
Domain Uptime Expires
Example 100% Future
Stock alerts

Get stock alerts instantly

Never miss a product coming back in stock, get notified through various channels such as Email, SMS and the web.

24/7 Monitoring

Keywords monitored, around the clock, day and night

Our monitoring engines never stop monitoring, we're always keeping a check on your keyword monitors to see if they're working correctly so that you don't have to.

Everything looks good.

Frequently Asked Questions

Set up my keyword monitor

It's free to set up a keyword monitor, why wait?